
well here's an update. I installed the rubber seal between the hood and rad support. I installed a 180* deg Mr Gasket high-flow stat. also removed the pusher electric fan. Now everything is stock except the high flow stat. WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE. The car used to drive (correction to my old post now that i payed attention to the gauge) 190 when crusin, and creeped from there at a stop, probably reaching 200 then vapor lock symptoms were setting in. Now it cruises at 175-180; it cycles between there, you can see the stat open and close, when it opens it drops instantly to 175, then slowly goes to 180. Last night i put the parking brake on, left it idling in gear for 15 mins, after a 1hr drive, and it stayed rock solid at 180. Plus i can hardly believe how much less engine compartment heat there is now. Also one thing that i thought was stupid when i was doing, but did anyways was wrap the fuel line in tinfoil. to my total amazement the fuel line is cold now, where before it was almost impossible to touch > that one blew me away. Anyways, i still have the milodon high flow pump on order, i'll put that in as well and i'm positive my running hot issues are solved now. thanks for all the help guys, i was really stumped on this one. i could not believe regular old tin foil was so effective at reflecting heat as it does. The part of the fuel line that i didn't wrap with foil was hot, and the part i did was totally cold!!!! i have a new item to add to my tool box as well as the following "must have items": duct tape, electrical tape, zip ties, JB weld, hammer, automotive GOOP, TIN FOIL!!!! i'm convinced that with these items anything can be fixed!!!

You can't believe what a good aluminum foil deflector beanie will do either! Put one on while you drive around and you'll be amazed! It will actually make you forget that anything is wrong with the car at all!
