
I do have a ? on SFI ceritfication. I buy a new set of seat belts that have never been off the shelf and because they were sitting there for a long time waiting or because it took me a long time to finish my build, they are no lnger SFI certified because of the date expiring. Why are they no longer safe even though they have never been out of the plastic bag they came in??? Same thing with my Lakewood Scattershield. Brand new, never even been bolted to a motor, still in the original box, but now it is unsafe because the SFI sticker says the safe time has expired.!!
I understand I can send these to SFI or someone and Pay a fee to have them recertified, but why do I have to pay for this if they are brand new? Is it just a fee grab on SFI part? I suppose everything has a safety limit when it is being used and stressed. But it makes no sense to have an arbitrary life limit from date of Mfg instead of date sold. I have read other post on here before about this same thing from other Moparts members.
Just thinking out loud. I don't think the presence af that SFI sticker really makes an item safe or the lack of the sticker makes it non safe.

and your car sits for three years and now needs a recert....who's fault is that....??????

Ya know this game has been being played this way since as far back as I can remember and I didn't drink any beer today so my memory is pretty clear ....THESE ARE THE SAME RULES THAT HAVE BEEN IN PLACE FOR MANY MANY YEARS....why is that so hard for some to understand
