Rick i'm not making excuses for impact or saying they're not at fault, they clearly are. my main point is that the equipment must actually be safe or SFI would/should immediately suspend it's use. now that being said why is it that racers now have to absorb the cost of replacement (of a known good product) at the end of the grace period (or whatever it's being called)? they should allow racers to use the equipment until it's normal time would expire and take it up with impact. if SFI really needs the money then fine impact for what they would have gotten from the genuine tags. it's either safe or it isn't, there's no in between. and if it's safe you should be able to use it regardless if SFI got their cut or not. racers have enough costs to bear to stay in compliance with the rules and regulations.

oh and i certainly don't take it personal, we're cool