
i know its an old cam bob,, something for a 426 sized motor,, with a 3.75 stroke,, i know its totally the wrong cam for bob but i think he got it for free or something like that..

you DO NOT need that much overlap with a sroker motor due to the less dwell at tdc respective to stroke travel, more overlap helps to scavange intake charge while the piston is moving about tdc, higher rod ratios need more overlap due to more dwell time for their respective stroke. i dont know what your cam is,, i forgot but i though it had like 72-74 degrees of overlap at .050,,, you would be better with 60 or so,,, maybe even 55 with a 572

"it worked back then so it will work today",,, sure the engine will start and run,, will it be the best cam, or close to it,, not even close,, you will "waste" alot of charge out the exhaust due to overscavaging cause,,,,,,,,, drumroll please.... what cab said.... it has too much overlap,, and if you had less overlap, youd have more valve to valve and youd be fine,, if you had the appropriate cam for your combo...

i understand getting things for free, and wanting to learn yourself that when you do what people tell you to it runs faster,,, im sure it wont be much of a headacche to just clip the margins,, i would not face them,, airflow would be better if you clipped them

Jeff, No one was trying to undermine your wisdom.

I never said and I don't believe anyone else did either that "it worked back then so it will work today",,, . It was just trying to get Bob on the right track with that old cam profile. I do think his best choice is like you and a couple others have said...buy a new cam profile for a motor that size. But I take him at his word that he wants to use it and know how to set it up.

peace brothers