
still stinks a little but I think I can live with it.

We're Mopar guys, mon! We settle for nothing less than perfection!

Seriously, the wire trick is great because it allows folks to modify their carb without getting that queasy feeling that comes along with taking a drill to it. You probably already figured this out, but the downside is, once you've done all your pi R squared math and figured out the wire size to reduce the passage by 6%, you put the wire in just a few degrees off from parallel and all you math goes out the window, as the wire now has a larger footprint. It must, must, must be quare in the hole. I've seen people give up and just "live" with a badly tuned carb because the wire trick didn't work for them.

The better solution (if you have the stomach for it ) is to drill and tap the idle feed restriction (after carefully measuring it) to 6-32 and drilling a 6-32 X 1/8 set screw to the desired size and screwing it in. See pic.

The advantage is you bypass the kludginess of using wire.

All you doing is drilling out a pressed-in brass orfice, and slightly enlarging the hole beyond it, which is soft and easily drilled.

Anyway, it's something to consider. It's not a big deal, but I can certainly understand an unwillingness to attack a perfectly good carb with a drill!
