Yesterday started out pretty bad but turned into an awesome experience. I have to send out props to muscle car Dan and his Mopar club for saving the day and possibly the rest of the trip home.

Muscle car Dan rolled up along with his wife in the AM to take us to breakfast and the Daytona was having carb trouble and sounded like it was running on 4 clyinders. I parked it and he and his wife drove us to breakfast in his B5 blue 70 Coronet R/T. Sweeeeeet!

Anywayz, we took a trip to the parts store and I got some plugs for the Falcon after I harrassed the parts guy who couldn't find it on the computer screen.

Then we went back to the hotel and Dan called up his Mopar club and I'll tell you what.... Gene Cahalan put on his gloves and he can tune a carb like nobodies business. I send my thanks out to him as well. Thank you Gene! You da man.

We did go on a photo shoot but I can't post those pictures as I don't want to steal the thunder of a certain Mopar magazine that will be covering this story. I can however post a picture of me and a few of the guys from Dans Mopar club which was shot on a digital camera and is in low resolution so it's gonna be blurry but oh well.

You can imagine the commotion caused in the mountains when cars would go by to see a red head in a hot pink vinyl outfit and knee high white go go boots standing straight up on the top of the Daytona's wing. People were stopping and snapping photos, guys were honking, ladies were even getting in on the scene and snapping photos. I guess they'll have something to take home with them from their vacations.

I had a blast but cannot post those pictures but I'm sure you'll see them after the story breaks.

Dan and his guys and gals were some of the nicest people I've met and were real sweet hearts. I had fun poking fun with them and just hanging out. I'd like to get to their Mopar show so I can see them again but don't think that's a possibility as Carlisle will be in the same month and I already have plans to be there.

I'm very dissapointed that I cannot meet some of you that we had planned on meeting along this trip but we are so far behind and in the best interest of the cars it is vital that we get home as soon as possible.

Thanks for coming along with us on our trip and take care,
