We had a blast today.... I had a blast driving that awesome Daytona for over 10 hours to Colorado. We started out the day with a car wash given by a group of youngsters at a local gas station. They had a great time soaping down the "cool car".
We saw a lot of neat scenery and met a heap of nice folks along our journey, we also got some wierd looks when I rolled up into the gas stations in the Daytona lol, also, I think I gave at least 50 truck drivers great stories to tell their buddies for years to come....(not that anyone will believe them when they tell them they saw a little red head in a bikini driving a right hand drive Daytona Charger through the desert)... it was hot and there was a lot of heat coming off the firewall in Arizona so I had to wear it.
Anywayz, I had a blast and can't wait for tomorrow. We are all looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible along the way.
Take care, and see you soon.
Mark says hi and John God love him, is passed out on the bed fast asleep.

See you all tomorrow!
