Tricked ya!
Hmmm who's that in that piece of $H!t Aussie Charger?

We've got pictures..... I'll post more laterz because I'm supposed to be in bed because we have a certain Daytona to pick up early in the morning and then we're heading to Vegas and I'll be driving the Falcon. I can't wait to drive the Daytona....

What's really kewl is that I had NO problems driving a right hand drive car. I took to it like a duck to water. I'm left handed though so I'm used to doing most things backwards. Kinda wierd having your turn signals on the right side of the wheel, your shifter on the left side of you, your windshield wipers backwards etc etc etc. Kinda neat though too. What's really fun is when Mark will put his hands out the window while I'm driving and freak people out because they think he's not paying attention while driving. it's pretty fun. We will post more pics tomorrow, I'm too lazy to do that now.....