Joe was trying to make it sound like a super simple fix so that the NHRA tech lady would pass the car. At least that's what I think he was doing. It's great to have friends who have your back!

Next thing I know they were telling me to go over to the tent where the ladies were completing the paperwork, but nobody ever said whether I passed tech or not. So I went over to the tent and was greeted warmly by the ladies who gave Cameron and I our wristbands and all of the necessary paperwork. When we got back to the trailer I figured out that the wire for the water pump somehow got moved and was hot even when the master switch was off. Somehow that must've been back feeding into the ignition. So I got that fixed. But I still didn't know where I stood with the NHRA tech. So I called Keith Turk on his cell phone and asked him. He said I needed to bring the car back up there and just demonstrate that the master cut off switch worked and I would be good to 8.50. By now, there was a couple hundred cars in line and getting back in line would mean burning up the whole day and being deprived of my very much needed test passes! That was a very real possibility, and one that I definitely did not relish. I didn't want to be presumptuous and assume that I could skip the line, so I asked Keith if I need to get back in line now, or if I could make some passes first and get in line later. He said no, don't get in line. Just go around the line and pull up to tech, they're only going to test the switch. Exactly the answer I needed to hear, yippee!
So I drove back up there, parked the car in the tech area, and went off looking for Keith. Then Cameron came trotting over to me saying "you need to move the car, somebody's really wound up about where you parked it!". Thankfully when I explained the situation, the guy calmed down and pointed to a spot where we were okay to park. He said if all we need is that switch checked he can do it. He checked it, it worked, and he wrote down on the clipboard that I was good to 8.50.
We went back to the trailer and started getting ready to make passes!

I don't have any pictures of this, but I made it into Vice Grip garages video at the seven second mark.

As usual, I didn't take enough pictures, and I was so focused on my own game, I can't report too much on what everybody else was doing.

31 Plymouth Coupe, 392 Hemi, T56 magnum
I don't regret the things I've done. I only regret the things I didn't do.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. ~ Plato"