Originally Posted by crackedback
Originally Posted by pittsburghracer
Originally Posted by BigFish69
looking for some advice been scammed on a part i sold on market place paid through pay pal the scammer claim the part had a problem which it DIDN'T pay pal messaged me but i never seen the message and paypal returned the money back to him. after a month notice my account was short i got in contact with paypal to see what the problem was they said there was dispute so i said will then send me my part back after many calls to paypal they said they would send courtesy message to him. l also messaged him on face book he said he would send it back after messaging him several time and asking for tracking number he then claimed he sent it but would not produce a tracking number and now will not answer his messages.


Please tell me it wasn’t a friends n family deal. If so you cheated the system and PayPal won’t helping you.

He SOLD the part, so the F&F thing would NOT be to his detriment. The buyer pulled a scam and issued a claim against him through goods and services payment approach.

As mentioned, have an account solely for paypal cash transfers, get money, move it to a different account right away. No money in account, nothing to take.

A bank would g3et in big trouble if they went to a separate account to claw back money at paypals request. The account they have access is the only one that should potentially be garnished. Federal Banking rules would frown on them nixing a different account.

This will damage your credibility with the banking system. As far as the bank is concerned, your account is overdrawn, and you owe them the money. That is why banks today want so much personal info to open an account that you want to give them funds to deposit. They want to be able track you down, They also have a long good memory, industry wide. You might retain the funds, for a while. Your beef here is not with the bank, and the bank always wins, in the end.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.