im sure it was a honest mistake of the bleeds being put in backwards.if i didnt buy it someone else would of had the problem or last owner.last owner went to gen 3.he had this motor in his car but found a great deal on a hell cat engine.which looks cool in the cause me a lot of headache to the point of selling everything.if i did try another carb i wand it worked.still would of blame something was wrong with thumpers carb.which i never found anything or never thought about the air bleeds.i did so much rearch everyday hoping something will point me in the right direction.what i still dont get is only advise thumper offered was fix the engine problem.he didnt offfer to send the carb back to him so he can have a peek at it.some carb builders has engines they put there carb on and run them if a problem comes up.had a problem with a atm carb sent it back to him he put it on a engine and did a few things to it.thats customer service