"These rich people are stupid and money doesn't buy brains"....We see every day how the wisdom of the wealthy is helping the "average" guy and advancing society. NOT. shruggy

Originally Posted by McCandlessboy
Devils advocate. At the higher end of the car world, is a whole other world most aren't aware of. If a buyer has a significant capital gains tax incoming due to selling a company/stock/etc they will often buy up high priced collectibles and then donate them into a foundation they've already setup. Most people with wealth have a foundation for tax purposes. The high priced item will get donated into that foundation at a value determined by a 3rd party appraiser. If the potential buyer knew this car would appraise at 1.5-2m dollars, the car effectively cost them 0. The car gets donated into their foundation at the appraised price and as long as the foundation doesn't sell it within 3 years, they get the full appraised tax break. After 3 years the foundation can sell the car and use the proceeds however it wants. All while paying for all of the expenses associated with the car.

Ever notice big car collections that sell ever 3-5 years? Person builds up a big collection and flips it out and does it again and again. It goes deeper than this, as many high end collectors have non profits that get thrown into the mix. This is why I laugh when people think it's "drunk" buyers paying prices that don't make sense to them. "These rich people are stupid and money doesn't buy brains". Money doesn't buy brains, but it can buy good tax/accounting strategist.