Every car of any significance is now going to be accompanied by a BS hype story to maximize their value on the block! I already started my BS story for my 70 V code Charger R/T so I can cash in big on my cars fictional history! My 70 Sixpack Charger R/T was once owned by Frank Sinatra and he raced it on the Vegas strip every Saturday night! He shut down Mean Dean Martin in his Shelby 500 KR,and gear slamming Sammy Davis Jr,in his COPO Camaro! Frank wanted to change the words to his song to I beat your ass my way after beating everyone on the strip! Anyone who talked about these street racing celebrities went swimming with the fishes with a 440 engine block chained around their necks,so that is why this story is not very well known! Whose next! Lol

Last edited by chargervert; 05/22/23 11:39 AM.

70 Charger R/T SE 472 Hemi 70 Charger R/T convertible 70 Charger R/T V Code Sixpack 69 Charger R/T SE Sunroofcar 68 Charger 383 68 Charger 318 71 Charger R/T 70 Challenger convertible 71 Challenger convertible 71 Cuda 340 09 Challenger R/T Classic