Hey Mike, Just a thought...Reach cruising speed and shift to neutral. While coasting, raise the RPM with the gas pedal to say around 2500-3000. Stop in the same manner that duplicates the stalling event, and see if it stalls. If it doesn't, then it is possible that the fuel pump is not providing enough volume at lower RPM levels. Another thing I remember (back in the day) is having a car that stalled when coming to a stop. It had a bad fuel line (hose) before the pump...It actually sucked air rather than leak fuel! The nature of the hole (a crack actually) acted like a valve allowing air in but no fuel out. At lower RPMs the pump suction could not over come the leak in the hose and the carb was starved...It kicked my butt for about a week before I pinned it down...Strange but true! Good luck!

P.S. I'm sure the latter doesn't apply to you, just thought of it while I was typing!