

Thanks for the reply.

First let me say that your cars looks awesome. I love the look of the silver and black

I do not think I have a flooding problem. If I start to brake hard the idle will start to drop smoothly(almost linearly) below 900 like you are turning the idle screw down. If you let off the brake the idle comes back up. If you press harder on the pedal the idle continues to slowly, smoothly drop to 0 and the cars stalls.

Once it stalls you can start it right back up like normal, just turn the key, no need to playing with the throttle.

I'm not saying it can't be a flooding problem just one I am not fimilar with. I would have expected a hard start if it flooded.

Manual steering and manual brakes if that helps??


Thanks for the kind words...

I agree that the engine restarting so easily doesn't really sound like a flooding issue. Mine was always hard to restart....but only occured under real hard breaking.

Just a though...whats your idle sitting at in gear? Could you have it so low that any flutter in the carb is causing a stall? Maybe try raising the in gear idle a touch....just and idea.