
Float valve.

Float pivot.

Float with pin hole.

Float vent.

Take that carb and get your money back from the you got it from


I thought about logging a complaint, but the bowl and float are mine from my center carb. remember

The float checked out okay when I had the carb apart so i do not think there is a hole in it.

Funny thing is mikeR I was talking to my dad tonight and he mentioned the idle solenoid also. My only thought on that is that it would do it all the time when you pressed the brake, unles the short only happens when the front end is dipping down.

Yes I tried the hard braking after putting the car in neutral and it does the same thing.

I cannot say I tested when the car was cold becuase I just noticed this weekend when I did the hard stop on teh highway. After it did it once I did some testing on the way home like braking hard in neutral, start braking hard and then letting off the brake. Brake slow and then about 5mph hour stop hard (this time the RPM dropped but recovered)


Last edited by RapidRunner; 10/04/06 12:08 AM.

Who knows? The Shadow Knows! But he ain't on this fraking forum! "This restoration is a test,, It is ONLY a test, Had this been an actual Restoration I would have received instructions on what to do and where to get the MONEY!" -------------------------------