
Does it do that in reverse too?


It stalled on me this weekend again when coming back from a show. Discovered 2 things.

1. Does not do it in reverse (I love the whine when you are doing 20MPH in reverse )

2. When it stalled on me I decided to do a little test. I started the car and went for a little drive and did the hard stop, car stalled and I got out and took out the site plug in center carb. Fuel level was below the site plug a bit. I had to shake the car a good bit to make it splash out. However when I started the car the level came right back up just below/trickling out.

Could it be a bad float or needle seat some how?

I really hate to tear the center carb off again. I might try changing the needle/seat this weekend??


Who knows? The Shadow Knows! But he ain't on this fraking forum! "This restoration is a test,, It is ONLY a test, Had this been an actual Restoration I would have received instructions on what to do and where to get the MONEY!" -------------------------------