Wow - amazed this has not been figgered-out yet!
For entertainment sake, here's an old true Mopar story my old business partner told me about many years ago - I was in business with him from 1984-1992. A buddy of his bought a NEW 1967 Charger with a 440 in it back in the day. From day 1, the car had a strange vibration coming from somewhere. The car was back to the dealer numerous times - they replaced: the wheels, the tires, the driveshaft & U-joints, the fan, etc. They COULD NOT get the vibration figured-out. Last resort before buying the car back, was to schedule a meeting with the factory rep from Chrysler. So the day comes & my old partner & his buddy - the car owner show-up to the dealer. The factory guy is there & he says "let's take it out for a ride." The Chrysler dude is driving & they finally jump on the highway - he mats the gas pedal until the motor blows. He says: "looks like we found the problem!" The car gets a new 440 & problem was solved. True story............