I find complaining about a shops policies always brings out people who defend the shop so I wouldn't get wound up if somebody does.

Last time I had my wife's car in for the second alternator replacement. Original one died after 120K miles. The replacement only made it 20K and died. It happens, parts fail so no biggie. They replaced it for free because it was less than 2 years old. I had heard stories about the new management so I charged and tested the battery before I took it in so they couldn't say it needed a battery too, but they texted me and said they wanted to replace the battery because it was "heavily discharged" for only $340. I said no, and that battery is still going after 3 years.

As for the copper in the brake lines, that is a new one. Copper in the brake pads is one I have heard about. Some places decided that copper in the brake pads could be toxic so they passed laws limiting copper in the pads. Cali is the only one I know of but I'm sure there are other states. Copper has been in brake and clutch pads for probably over a century and nobody has a confirmed case of copper exposure to brake pads because they were used on vehicles. Maybe manufacturing them but not from using them or replacing them.

If you were concerned about the copper in the pads then I would replace them when they wore out with copper free pads but for me not any sooner than when they wore out, unless the thought bothers you.

At least you spent a necessary $24 to find out where not to go. up