Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
lol, I know my truck gets 22 here on the east coast, out there I don't know.

Here we go, rolleyes here come the excuses. Should we all move out there for the +10 mpg better air? I'm in.

Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
We will fill up my truck, hit the highway for a tankful (about 400 miles, and still have some left) and then we can refill it and crunch the numbers.

Gotcha. tonguue

How about I crunch the numbers? You have a 30 gallon tank, same as the First Gen I had, ("some left", so, 26 gallons), 400 miles divided by 26 gallons is 15.4 mpg.

15.4 mpg is a long way from the "25 to 26" you claim above, but a lot closer to the Fuelly site I quoted above.

I'll save you the trip here: you can just send me the $2000.00 whistling

Mo' Farts

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