Hi All,

Not to say it out loud but I think we maybe getting somewhere with the '67 Fury 440 stroker engine, I got a bigger update than usual. As I mentioned in my last post, we bought an MSD Blaster II coil and a new HiRev 7500 brain from Mr. Erenberg that a friend recommended. We put the Blaster coil and MSD ballast resistor in, then we WERE going to put in the Erenburg brain BUT we read the instructions first. Good thing we did too, as the brain was not compatible with the MSD coil. According to the instructions the brain needed to be run with a stock coil, so that said we took the MSD coil out BUT left the ballast resistor in then put the brain in.

NOW, we start the car and let it run for about 20 to 25 minutes and it ran very good. Better than it normally does to be honest. We put it in gear while the car was sitting in the garage and normally it dies BUT it didn't this time, which was a good sign. We did this about 2 maybe 3 times and still no stalling. So NOW we take it out for a test drive in the evening when it was cooler out than during the day, we took it to get gas and back home which was about a 10-15 minute drive going and coming back and it ran flawlessly with no stalling. We let it sit at the gas station while we filled it up and let it heat soak, it started right back up with no issue. We are not out of the woods yet though, the true test will be taking it out during a hot 85-90% day and seeing what it does but for now things are looking up for this car.

brain 1.jpegbrain 2.jpegbrain 3.jpeg

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)