Hello All,

Yes another useless post by me but I figured I would give an update on the project. We performed a hot valve guide test last night on the 440 stroker engine on the left divers side valves only, no numbers were involved. Yes I told my stepfather it's not the valves it's fuel related but it was after we performed the valve test because he wanted to just to see. We did the test and it is not the valves (like I personally thought). We took the bolts out of the valve cover, started the car, and let it run to about operating temperate, shut it off, then took the valve cover off and did the test with a little bar and piece of wood. Just so happens nothing was tight, but I suggested testing the right side valves also anyways just in case but we did not last night but probably will soon. Also we tripped the starter relay, watched the left side valves, and nothing was sticking or anything from what we saw so we figured if it was that bad we would of thrown a push rod already. We talked to a very good friend this morning and he suggested a couple things such as a performance fuel pump and line and a couple other things.

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If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)