i agree with this disease isn't to be messed with.

when i grew up their was a much younger neighbor girl who became good friends with my much younger sister. i really don't know this person much.
she married into $$$. her youngest daughter, in her early 30's, was traveling Europe when this mess was just starting. her last stop was Italy. her daughter brought unknowingly brought it back with her when she returned.
the mother ( my old neighbor), father, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, 4 aunts, 5 uncles, and about 10 friends all contacted this disease just from 1 person at a party celebrating her return. the infected person showed no symptoms during the party. that's just direct infection to close people, i don't know if their friends spread it to other people. to the best of my knowledge, 2 people have died from it. the mom, dad younger sister and several older relatives came really close to dying. they all were hospitalized and had to be on ventilators.

perception is 90% of reality