Originally Posted by NANKET
Originally Posted by Pale_Roader
Originally Posted by NANKET
Originally Posted by Pale_Roader

Hey... while the vast majority ov us are in no danger... this thing is not to be underestimated. I have a friend, ex-fighter, now lifter, and this guy's about as tough as they [censored] get. He and his (not so tough) wife were self-quarantining very early on, because she has immune-system issues. Well, they both got it somehow. She had a couple days ov so-so coughing... then was fine. He... was laid clean out... for 4 full days. Could barely breathe, eat, move... you name it. They got through it, but wow. It NUKED this guy. He's 36 and in incredible health.

The girl i train knows a 30yr old woman from NJ (i think) who just died. Healthy, happy, 30 year old girl, a very strong competitive powerlifter. Her whole family caught it, her dad died, then so did she. Granted, she was 5'4" 300lbs... but still.

The fearmachine is WAY off the rez on this one... but personal accountability and common sense still go a long way.

Adults who engage in these heavy workout regimens often over do it and consequently are unknowingly suppressing their immune systems. While they are very strong and can lift a massive weight and look huge, they are not really in good “health” at all.

100% wrong. Heavy weight training, done within reason, is absolutely beneficial for the immune system, in many ways. Yes, it is possible she was one ov the VERY few that push it too far, but most modern, intelligent lifters know their limits. I live in this world. Have for 16 years now. Heavy lifters are healthy people, generally. Now... that one particular sport; powerlifting, and even bodybuilding (done at a competitive level) have other issues. Powerlifting can have diet issues, and this girl obviously was one ov those. You cant paint us with the same brush. She died, likely because she was way overweight. I am international elite level, and yeah... that means i'm one ov those few that push well beyond safe limits... and my immune system is absurdly strong. Being elite at ANY sport or physical endeavor goes well beyond 'safe' limits. Its a powerful irony yes, but some true elite athletes are not as healthy as most would think they are. Powerlifting just happens to be one ov those sports where you can be disgustingly fat and out ov shape and still win world medals. As a lifter and very successful coach i absolutely do not agree with this approach. Even my current champion, also a superheavyweight lifter, is very 'small' for her size, and in great cardiovascular shape, and extremely mobile and athletic.... even at 5'4" and 250lbs (female). She works in a dentist's office... around open mouths all week long... and she rarely gets sick.

Heavy lifting (the heavier the better) cures FAR more problems than it causes. But like anything else... do it intelligently.

About 14 of these people do it within reason, others are off the charts overkill. How many big and buff weight lifters live To 60-70-80-90-100? How many drop dead of heart problems? How many take performance enhancing drugs or diet/supplement regimens that undermine good health. Be honest. You just admitted you go to far with your activities. That’s how you get to be the best by pushing it. If it was easy we all would be there. You can’t have it both ways.

No, many are 'serious', but not fanatical about it. 'Serious' is good. I go too far yes, but i was never stupid about it, and i have legitimate world records. Well, i had three (out ov four), down to one now... as it goes. That is... best on the planet. I knew my sacrifices, i happily made them. I'm still healthier than pretty much anyone my age anywhere, and i pass for 10 years younger. I'd be even healthier, but i'm poor, and thus, have to eat a lot ov cheap food... which is not good. That has zero to do with lifting. The sport i'm doing now is more athletic, and i dont have to be as big, which i like. And yeah... even at 47, i'm going to push to absolute limit in this one too.

I think what you are thinking ov is bodybuilding. Or perhaps those super 'hardcore' powerlifters (that even the rest ov powerlifters make fun ov). NOW... you are getting into drug culture... and the second you cross that line, the slippery slope hits 90% ov guys pretty hard. Even the (ACTUAL) drug-free bodybuilders (all 14 ov them), damage themselves with brutal diets, severe nutritional deficiencies, and dangerous dehydration practices. When they're up on stage looking like the most amazing physical specimens possible, they are about the weakest human beings on the plant. A cough would knock them over. These are not who i'm on about. There is nothing healthy about competitive bodybuilding... on any level. But again, thats not what i'm talking about.

Go to a Masters (40+) powerlifting or Olympic lifting event. Everyone there looks (and acts) 10 years younger than they are. Heavy barbell lifting is absolutely the fountain ov youth... done properly. Saying heavy lifting is detrimental to health is like saying Mopars are dangerous to the public, because some rich Asian kids in clapped out Hondas and Toyotas rat-raced through the cities and killed some pedestrians.