Hey... while the vast majority ov us are in no danger... this thing is not to be underestimated. I have a friend, ex-fighter, now lifter, and this guy's about as tough as they [censored] get. He and his (not so tough) wife were self-quarantining very early on, because she has immune-system issues. Well, they both got it somehow. She had a couple days ov so-so coughing... then was fine. He... was laid clean out... for 4 full days. Could barely breathe, eat, move... you name it. They got through it, but wow. It NUKED this guy. He's 36 and in incredible health.

The girl i train knows a 30yr old woman from NJ (i think) who just died. Healthy, happy, 30 year old girl, a very strong competitive powerlifter. Her whole family caught it, her dad died, then so did she. Granted, she was 5'4" 300lbs... but still.

The fearmachine is WAY off the rez on this one... but personal accountability and common sense still go a long way.