Originally Posted by hooziewhatsit
Originally Posted by Satilite73

I don't know about ya'll but being an essential worker, I'm going to be all screwed up once this is over. I've been leaving 20-30 minutes later for work due to no traffic. shock

It will be interesting once this is all said and done to see how many companies continue letting their employees work from home vs. make them come back to the office vs. figure out what they can really automate and just not bring those people back at all.

Slippery slope. We're essentially still on the same work hours as we were pre-computers. Back in the 50's you probably had a full day of work at the office, but today? You're done by 10:30 and cruising the internet all day while pretending to look busy. If they figure out that everyone "working" from home is done and at the beach by noon they'll start slashing positions. Flip side, you have a LOT of people that use their job as an escape from the house and family. That guy won't be signing up to work from home!