Originally Posted by hooziewhatsit
Originally Posted by Satilite73

I don't know about ya'll but being an essential worker, I'm going to be all screwed up once this is over. I've been leaving 20-30 minutes later for work due to no traffic. shock

It will be interesting once this is all said and done to see how many companies continue letting their employees work from home vs. make them come back to the office vs. figure out what they can really automate and just not bring those people back at all.

My sister-in-law works for Fidelity or Vanguard, and is always going on and on about all the airplane miles she is racking up to use later on vac. I have always told her, that sooner or later that gravy train is going to end... Because it is borderline retarded for companies like those to send one or 2 employee's across the country (Hotel & Meals) for a hand shake & 2hr meeting...then fly back again. I worked for Verizon and we used to do stuff like that as well, be it to a lessor extent. But that crap ended just as soon as the technology advanced to the point where we could hold most meetings on line. By the time I left, our team (working all over the country) hadn't had a Face to Face meeting in 7 yrs. There was nothing we could do in person, that we couldn't do from home while still working with each other.... besides buying each other beers.

Now that the many companies were "forced" to give it a try... many of them are going to see the benefits.
Access speeds are now way up, so it's no longer just a voice conference call while looking at the wall.
You can actually live stream video, and split screen your presentations.
Just as good as face to face... but without the added expense... and GERMS.

Because of that, Airlines are one of the industries that may not recover for a long time.
Germ fever & the MAX issue won't help either.