Originally Posted by GY3
Originally Posted by GomangoCuda
Call Dave and talk to him. After he explains to you how stupid you are you will probably never buy anything from him. Big hint:. Don't mention Moparts to him unless you really want the conversation to go off the rails.

If you decide that you just have to have one of his cams, bypass him and get it from the source.

I recall him posting a little diatribe against Moparts years ago when some of the members built an engine for some contest. Calling them amateurs and looking down his nose.

Decided right then and there he was a vendor I chose not to support.

I wasn't going to bring it up- It was in the early 2000's and it was for Engine Masters. His response to an innocent group of guys running down the checklist of "what could have caused this" was way over the top. It is easily in the top three Moparts meltdown threads of all time (along with the 70 purple Daytona and anything posted by Eddie/Elvis with the Duster). His response convinced me to never use their products, and I am typically not like that. They have some of the highest rates of lift for duration out there in the flat tappet world but by the time you can control the valvetrain, you are on the absolute ragged edge of what can be accomplished with a flat tappet cam. If anything is off, even by a hair, you are in trouble. I just went to Engle who ground for them at the time and got something with slightly slower ramps.

Hats off to fast68plymouth for being so professional in his response. He knows the deal- you sir, are a gentleman.

Last edited by BigBlockGTS; 01/03/20 07:47 PM.