Originally Posted by 6bblFLASH
727 in my street toy seized up Friday. No clue doom was coming. Small blower on 440,3,600lbs touqey tire killer.
has Turbo Action RVB.
3rd has failed twice with 4 disc,hence the 5-disc this time. Has about 50 passes on it.
Changed rear gear from 3.33 to 3.73 Dana and on its 1st ride felt like the brakes were dragging in a cycle.
Headed home.
Was reluctant to back up the driveway,got the the shop put it in neutral and could push it easy???? WTH...
10 minutes later go to push it into the shop can`t budge it. Back it into shop pull wheels and then axles expecting rear has issue.
Pull driveshaft......... trans. is locked.
Pull it and strip it.
Front clutch pack burnt 5-Koleno/plate
Rear is OK
Output shaft support siezed to shaft,drum chewed up as well were it rides on support.

What fails the support? Lack of lube of course,but why?
Ate 5 disc in 50 passes?
What needs addressed for this issue?
I am sorry to hear of your trouble with 1st gear.I went through 3 trans like that in 1 year 2 with a Chetah rmvb and 1 with CRT so now I am N/A for now.I busted the 3 planet A&A and froze the trans having to cut off the shell to get to a snap ring to seperate the shafts.I changed from a stacked shell trans cooer to a 10"x14" tube/fine.

GOTBOOST!New improved with Victor heads.