Originally Posted by YO7_A66
Thanks guys!

My throttle pressure linkage is maxed out at WOT (at carb linkage) to keep my shift rpms at 5800rpms with a 5600rpm govener. What if I swap in my 5800rpm governor and then turn down the throttle pressure linkage?

If not, then I may email Cope to see if one of his valve bodies may fix this issue.

Thanks again!

Although changing the valve body could impact your 2-3 shift, it is not likely to dial it in. And it may cause a 1-2 and 2-3 shift split which can be much more difficult to dial in.

If everything else works like you want, keep on track and only change what needs changed. Control the high speed clutch application by controlling it's rate of fill. It's cheap, easy and effective.

Master, again and still