
There's only going to be ONE numbers matching engine for your car. Store the matching 383, build the 440 and run the "H" out of it without having to worry. If you build the 383 you'll always have that little voice in the back of your head (I have 3 or 4) telling you to ease off the throttle. If you throw a rod through that 383 it's gone, if you throw a rod through the 440 just find another and go at it again.

except id do a stroker 400. more cubes ans you cant tell the differeance between a 383 and a 400.

i have a bahama yellow 71 roadrunner. i bought a 71 bahama yellow roadrunner as a parts car about 5 years ago to help put our 72 satellite together. the parts car only had a rusted up ashortblock in it and i aways thought it was a 383, one day i started looking at it and it turned out to be a 400 with no vin on it. im pretty sure it was a warrenty motor. i figured it was its destiny to be in a bahama yellow 71 roadrunner so i biult a 452 inch motor out of it and put it in my roadrunner when my 383 ate the cam. my numbers matching 383 is now safe and sound.