Originally Posted By AndyF
Originally Posted By Nick Stevanovski

Why is it so bad to ask questions on a forum.....

Asking questions on a forum is like withdrawing from a bank of goodwill. If you never make any deposits into that bank then there isn't anything to withdraw. As far as I can tell, you've never provided any answers on this forum. If you never answer any questions yourself then eventually people refuse to answer your questions. Why should anyone help you if you don't help them?

I disagree. Most everyone here is more than willing to help a newcomer that appears on the scene with lots of car questions. Not a problem.

But when the person keeps asking the same questions over and over (camshaft powerbands is a good example in this case) and rephrases them in order to get the response he's fishing for, gets the response, and then states to the rest of us "see kids, was that so difficult?"
Well, you get the picture.

And he thinks we're rude.