Unless you changed temp sensors, swapping clusters only confirmed your dash gauge is consistent. If the sensor is FUBAR, the gauge only knows what the sensor tells it.

You can get an IR temp gun at any auto parts store if Harbor Freight isn't handy.

My buddy's MaxWedge was doing the run warmer than it should deal. Apparently not all water pumps are created equal because they replaced the new pump they installed when they built the engine with a different new pump and it behaves now.

Years ago my brother had a Sears rebuilt 318 that always ran warm. Drove it that way for years until a frost plug started leaking. Went to replace them all and discovered all the old ones had just been driven thru when the engine was "rebuilt". He fished them all out along with all the crud that had gathered around them and no more warm 318.



Last edited by Twostick; 08/30/18 11:12 AM.