It will hold an Imp...or two...Since I have a dually I made sure of it...
I know not having flat ground is a pita...I spent a lot of years with cars stored at garages other than at home...paying rent and driving a half hour or twenty minutes away to work on them...No more... boogie

RS23...that is a nice ride for sure...Its just not a 65 B Body... shruggy

The winter months will consist of busting my tail to pay for everything as much as possible so I can start the wall framing in the spring...
Somewhere between now and then I need to have a few conversations with Stu regarding the garage doors... wave
Once the temporary shoring is removed I may put some heat in there over the w/e's this winter and work down in the basement.
One good sign was we did get a little rain late this week and all the water runs to the floor drains... up
