The OP said "That being said, can you make one of these larger cars handle reasonably? I'm not going to autocross it or anything so no serious G Machine type stuff. Maybe some pieces here and there but whatever platform I end up with would likely stay 'stock'. "

Not handle like a slot car, not handle like his Mazda, of which he said The suspension is really stiff though and after a long drive in traffic, it gets tiring.

The biggest detriment to a stock C body's handling back int he day was it's narrow tires. No need for fancy suspension parts when the tires couldn't stick enough to tax the suspension anyway.

Doesn't wound to me like he wants monster brakes or donk rims either.

Firm Feel has everything he needs to get it to "handle reasonably" without it getting tiring or diving off into the non-stock aspects.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.