I remember the question used to be "what paint was used on the lift-off-hood?" It seems that it's pretty much a fact that it was and is organosol so for those of us that have used the word ORGANOSOL and never really knew what the heck it is here is the definition:

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Main Entry: or·gan·o·sol
Pronunciation: \o&#775;r-&#712;gan-&#601;-&#716;säl, -&#716;so&#775;l\
Function: noun
: a sol in which an organic liquid forms the dispersion medium

1. organosol definition
or·ga·no·sol (ôr gan&#8242;&#601; säl&#8242;)


a colloid consisting of a solid within an organic liquid.

2. organosol [&#559;r&#8242;gan·&#601;‚s&#559;l]
Finely divided or colloidal suspension of insoluble material in a suspending organic liquid; known as plastisol when the solid is a synthetic resin suspended in an organic liquid; used for coatings, moldings, and casting of films.
A dispersion of very finely divided resin particles that are suspended in an organic-liquid mixture which cannot dissolve the resin at normal temperatures.

3. Organosol...
A plastisol to which a solvent has been added.

4. organosol
Pronunciation: &#333;r-gan&#8242;&#333;-sol
A hydrosol with an organic liquid instead of water as the dispersion means.
