I just finished spraying an A12 hood with
9355 lacquer which I bought and had mixed at my
local PPg supplier and i mesed it up the first
time by spraying it on too heavy and wet cause of hearing all the complaints of hoods being too gritty.i had too sand it all down cause the texture all went to the bottom.This time I mixed
it 150% with slow lacquer thinner and sprayed it on Medium wet and it went on perfect.It is
supposed to have texture,this hood feels like
220-320 grit sandpaper and i think that is what it is supposed to look like.Use a gravity feed
gun to spray it with so you can spray it with
lower air pressure.Siphon feed guns require about
45 psi and i think that is where the dry or zebra
stripes come into play.I used a Sata HVLP with
1.4 tip and it sprayed even and no stripes or
dry spray.it looks good in my book.