I have a bunch of low mile original cars - a bunch with Organosol painted areas. The stuff that Badalson sells is as close to dead nuts as you can buy if applied properly. There are not too many people that painted a lot of lacquer back in the 60's and 70's around these days. Painting lacquer is totally unique and what techniques that apply to acrylic urethane, base-clear etc. does not look right with laquer. Original Organosol has suede (for texture) and a tiny bit of metallic in it - it's there, look. Roger did devise an acrylic urethane formula when the original stuff disappeared - it was decent but a little too textured. The stuff Frank found is good and I have used it on an A12, an AAR and a T/A and will use it on a Daytona and a 70 Charger.

BTW - an earlier poster commented on Charger tail panels being flat black and not Organosol. This is 50% correct. The factory engineering shows both paints as an option for the tail panels...I think it may have depended on the plant (state law?). My original stuff also varies in texture from car to car. This is probably because of a lot of different factors - pressure, thinner, temp etc. etc.

As for the person that called Frank a "tool". I could only wish for more tools like him in our hobby - I would fill my toolbox right up with those tools any day. He sells a lot of great paints - he is not a painter. He will tell you he is not a painter. An experienced painter is the only one I would ask about paint compatibility. A lot of people think if they spend 20 bucks they are entitled to 20 hours of information - He has always been generous to the hobby with information on original cars but can't afford to answer hours of questions that many people ask him (and Roger) every day. I myself have kept him on the phone with questions far too long and realize - this dude is trying to run a business and make a living. Enuff said about that - time for a beer!