

I don't mind a 1st round buy back, second round the buy backs run each other . . Third round they re-enter competition. That way if there are 50 buy backs only only 25 re-enter competition.

IMO this is letting someone with more money than talent buy a round - the second round. First round losers that want to purchase a losers-buyback should have to race each other to go to the second round. That way everyone that races in the second round had to win one race, and everyone that goes to the third had to win two races.

That is what I said. Second round is just the buyout racers and the winners of the buyback round then re-enter competition. Everyone that races in the third round have won one race. Not every track does it this way, some have 1st and 2nd round buy backs and put all the buy backs into competition the next round. I think this stinks.

If the rules were clear there is no gray area here and cheating is cheating.

Getting old just means you were smarter than some and luckier than others.