


FWIW I generally think the "buy back" guys, or "mulligan" racers in this scenario, should have to go into a separate group and race each other, OR be out of the main money race all together and race for a much lesser purse.

Thats a good idea for all tracks, buy backs race for their own "buy back purse" .

Why? What difference does it make,

Why? Because a buy back should be a chance for the track to make a little more money, and the racer a chance to get more seat time.

NOT a way to buy back into the competiton after you lose.

You lose, you're out of competition. That's the way sport works.
Everybody knows that 1/2 the cars are back ont he trailer after the first round. That's what drag racing is.

I have run buyback rounds,(as a seperate group) and am fine with that. It's just for fun at that stage.
I have never bought back into competion, and generally feel that to do so is complete BS.