"What you are saying is 2 guys came to the race and bought 1 so called mulligan.One guy won and his buddy didn't.So they used the buy back.They - he paid for it."

Not really, had a meeting BEFORE THE RACE, went over the rules, told them we were short enough people to try to run around and collect money for a buy back,

Entry was $25.00, 2nd round mulligan was $15.00
the 2nd round mulligan went with each driver, you could not buy one and give it to whomever, it was for you to use and you alone

1st place was $850.00 .. Not a bad pay day for 40 bucks

" Did that buy back have a car number on or a drivers name on it so only the one guy could use it? If it did shame on the start line crew if not what is the problem? "

See above, yes ..you purchased it, you used it no one else could

"Why air this out here? "
Well it was promoted here, people off the site added to the payout and some prizes

I've been getting PM's about when we would do it this year, instead of that I though I'd give a better explanation of we we will not do it for third year

"Stop racing stay home. " ..Huh ??

"There are people that live in the gray area of rules they are not cheaters. "

Grey area my back side, they knew it was wrong, he went up for 2nd round and took out someone that had the right to be there when he did not

"Sounds like a Mopar race that was put for what reason? "

It was a show, race etc for the local Mopar club the plan was to try to get it bigger and better year after year

"Take advange of your kindness how?"

I donated over $1000.00 to the cash purse

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6