Back to the original post. It sounds like the race was a fundraiser for a local club, with the racer prize money donated, and the entry fees were to go to the club as funds raised for the club. That seems simple enough. The club stated before the race that buybacks (as in LOSER re-entrys) were to be purchased before the first round and weren't transferable. Still seems simple enough to me. So if someone lost in the first round that didn't purchase a re-entry before the race used someone elses ticket to te-enter, that racer is a LOSER and a CHEATER, and the person that gave him the ticket to re-enter is a CHEATER. It doesn't matter what the rules are at any other track, race, or redneck rodeo, in the case of this FUNDRAISING EVENT, the rules were no re-entry tix transferred, and if someone did so, shame on them (the LOSER/CHEATERS). Looks pretty simple when it's spelled out in black and white, doesn't it.

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