Been doing this forever it seems.
What used to piss me off was guys who had capable combos to run mopar kos and win would gripe and moan that they didn't have a chance. So they wouldnt come. If you are a racer race. If not stay home.

I do understand rule enforcement, ringers, and guys like Monte that would literally burn their stuff to the ground to win. I learned if you want to win you have to try. Try means raise the chip change the jets to uncomfortable levels.

As fae as the OP I think invitatiinal races where you have sponsors pay for showing is the only way to put on a great show. This is what they did in the 60's. I just read an okd flyer from when my uncle match raced. They knew how to promote back in the day.

Career best 8.02 @ 169 at 3050# and 10" tires small block power.