Trendz, its sounds like we're good. My PP addy is rapidrobert at intergate dot com A $10 gift is fine (I wont accept the 100 you offered as I am just too nice of a guy). I was for sure not looking forward to putting "Trendz Teaches Truth" in my sig! One down one to go. Now Mr P is a very tech savvy sharp guy from his posts I have perused especially on carburetion but he is also stubborn and opinionated (also from his posts that I have perused) & he's gonna take (alot) more convincing, OK Mr P lets cut to the chase & you put on a cap with the 1/2" hole and grab your light & we'll see if the rotor position (phasing) changes when you rev it (can capped of course).

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth