Originally Posted By Supercuda
Yes, but if you went the balljoint route you'd be smart to relocate the thing to remove the conflict, hence my comment about the line (shouldn't of said plane) of the LCA pivot point intersecting the center of the ball joint.

So, I've been playing with this in my head and some scrap paper now.

Provided that the center of the heim/ball joint is in line with the LCA pivot and t-bar there will be no bind. Ever. The strut actually moves in a conical motion, so the arc is the same as the lca. Therefore there is no intersecting arc. It is the same arc. However if that pivot is not in line, there will be a conflicting arc. Obviously the larger the arc, the less influence it has. Much like a longer panhard bar will shift the rear end less than a shorter panhard bar.

I was going to explain the intersecting arcs and in doing the geometry, discovered this for myself. I feel smart and stupid at the same time. If anyone already knew this, kudos to you.

1971 Challenger