This is no doubt a entertaining conversation! If the heads are as advertised, anyone that doesn't think they are different from what is already offered is BLIND! Trick Flow knows it or they would not have made them. They know the market is there, and there right. I'm a mopar guy, always have been and always will be. I don't need a 1,000 Hp engine, I'm a bracket racer. Duster weighs 2400 lbs and has ran 10.0x with stock 452's, shifting @ 5,600. The engine blew and honestly if it weren't for trick flows new head I'd rebuild the 452's. No one else offers enough bang for the buck. The mopar parts on my car are more expensive than chevy parts, I knew it and paid any way. I'd do it again, I still believe it was cheaper in the long run.
Would I like to have a low 9 or 8 sec. motor, you bet. But not if I have to pay 50% more.
I'm looking forward to the potential these heads should offer!