Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By Jerry Kathe
I should add, clarify.....my comments above are generic in term and not specific to the Trick Flow pieces. Actually TF has it right on these if they are at 1k ea assembled. Proof positive this can be done and done right.
Jerry, you are missing the point. Yes, this is a nice head at a good price. But the problem is the market it is aimed at. This is just one of a BUNCH of heads pointed at the warmed over stock motor crowd. THIS is the area where most Mopar guys spend money.....NOT real racey stuff. The last GOOD inline valve race head was the B-1........and how long ago was that? And at this point the Predator head is several years old. As old as those heads are, you see few B-1 motors and fewer Predators. So why is somebody going to sink a ton of money developing a NEW "race" head, when not many even bought the older ones that are still available. The "serious hp" Mopar racer is just a VERY small market

Monte - most of the street guys are cheap too.