{Jerry, you are missing the point. Yes, this is a nice head at a good price. But the problem is the market it is aimed at. This is just one of a BUNCH of heads pointed at the warmed over stock motor crowd.}
No, not missing the point, but maybe not making my point clear. If you reference one of my “few” comments on these threads you will find that I have said the very same thing, heck….if TF cares to comment, they can tell you about the email I sent them that also said the very same thing.
But in the same token…..I commend them at putting the effort in what looks to be a nice piece without gouging those interested. (the main point)

{THIS is the area where most Mopar guys spend money.....NOT real racey stuff.}
Circumstantial based on the barriers in the mopar community, why would you not run a purple shaft cam if your only using 906 heads….and if your using “that” why would you need more than leaf springs….get it….maybe only I do shruggy

{The last GOOD inline valve race head was the B-1........and how long ago was that? And at this point the Predator head is several years old. As old as those heads are, you see few B-1 motors and fewer Predators. So why is somebody going to sink a ton of money developing a NEW "race" head, when not many even bought the older ones that are still available.}
One word = practicality. Back to the horse I have been beating, who in their right mind would pay nearly 2x the cash for the better mopar stuff when compared to GM……I have my mopar pride but I’m not nuts.

The "frivolous" Mopar racer is just a VERY small market – fixed it for ya