I will admit, that I can be a little slow at times, but it is the nature of this type business. If everybody that SAID they were going to send me an intake DID so, they would be knee deep around here all the time. As it stands, I may get two this week and 10 next week. When something like that happens, you go from pretty much caught up, to seriously buried. And always doing them in the order they arrive sounds like a good plan, but doesn't work that way in the real world....... You have a really good customer, who sneezed and destroyed the intake on his TD and needs to next day it to you, so you can get it done for the next week, because he is leading the points.........well, that's what you do. You GET IT DONE, so he doesn't miss a race. So that takes 3 days to fix and now your "schedule" is even more behind. Or maybe 3 trips to the powder coater, because they can't get the intake like you want it. I work FOR Holley. They call and say "hey, we have an EFI customer who is really struggling, need you to go and help him out". Can't tell them no, I work for them. Now you are a couple MORE days behind and last time I checked, you can't make up lost time. It's easy for people to stand on the outside and say how you SHOULD do things, but unless they are in your circumstances, they simply don't know. I also don't make the parts or have every part in the NOS catalog in stock. Every kit is not the same, every job is not the same, so if I have backordered parts, I work on what I have parts for. This should be no secret to anyone in this business.....some times parts are hard to get. With the limited inventory that ALL companies seem to keep now, I can knock that inventory out with one large order, then I have to wait for more. And I can't order parts ahead because someone SAYS they will send an intake. I have to have it in my hands, so I don't tie up all my funds, waiting on you to possibly send it when you get around to it, if at all.

The shipping company lost Jeremiah's package. I will get the money back from them whenever they feel like it. But to get him going, I have to use parts from another job and spend that time on his again, that I will not be paid for. The insurance will only pay for the parts, not the labor, regardless of the "value" you place on the package(already been around this fence a time or two) So that is essentially wasted time and another trip to ship his parts off. All part of doing business and it rarely goes as planned

Then we get the "why don't you hire help" comments.......simple answer is, there is no good help. Everyone who calls, wants to talk with me, so no good for someone to just answer phone. I like things done a certain way, so I have to show you, I would just as soon do it. Plus it's MY name on it. I HAVE talked with a few guys, their FIRST question when they walk in the shop......"where is the flow bench".......so it's right back out the door for them. That's like being an apprentice at an engine shop and the FIRST thing you want to know is all the guys secrets he has learned over the years. NOT going to happen here.

Lastly, with my moms passing last year, the fact I had to put my dad in an assisted care facility, the fact that I am an only child and am the one who has to PAY for that care, as well as all their left over bills.......I have been traveling more, taking more tuning dates and taking all the work I can get, because I NEED the money. And one unforeseen trip to the hospital, the lawyer, whatever, on top of business things that happen..........before you know it, you can be buried behind with no relief in sight. Not complaining, it just is what it is and you do the best you can and if that isn't good enough for some..........oh well, you can't make everybody happy and life is way too short to worry about it. Yeah, I know everybody has problems and mine are nothing exclusive, but you just do what you can do, with the hand dealt

Wade himself has a REALLY good story to tell about how things don't always go as planned.........but that will be HIS to tell when he feels like it

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 09/03/15 08:39 PM.