Originally Posted By justinp61
I sent him a PM about two years ago questioning about shocks for my Dart, from his reply apparently everything I own is junk. Never will I buy anything.

Don't feel bad, you're not the only one...I can't even count how many times I've heard similar stories from people...from people that have been to the nitrous classes to shops that have tried to use him...It's amazing how many people have texted me the last 24 hours that have used the words "pompous" and "arrogant" to describe Monte...He's brought all this upon himself....

Monte's all worried that someone he hires might steal his work....fact is, Monte's his own worst enemy...If he would do what he says and learn some customer relation etiquette, he wouldn't have anything to worry about, because even if someone could flow systems like he does, he would still be way ahead of them because of his practical experience from being at the race track for decades....He can't see the forest because all the trees are in the way...

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......